Good combinations

Good combinations and combinations that one should avoid!

Good combinations

Potato with marigolds, peas, beans, garlic and sunflowers
Strawberry with marigolds, stock beans, lettuce, spinach, garlic, borage
Endive with fennel
Asparagus with tomato, parsley and marigolds
Eggplant with marjoram
Cauliflower with oregano
Beans with celery, sage, carrots, cauliflower, lettuce and potato
Beets or beetroot with onion, stock beans, dill, celery, kohlrabi and garlic
Dill with carrots, lettuce, onion and broad beans
Peas with beans, carrots, leeks, turnips, sage, fennel and celery
Cabbage with hyssop, dill, chamomile, tansy, marigolds and sage
Kohlrabi with celery Cucumber with dill, garlic, celery and fennel
Melon with garlic and nasturtium
Leeks with beans, carrots, peas and turnips
Radish with parsley
Turnips with beans, carrots, leek and parsley
Celery with leek, cabbage and basil
Lettuce with chervil, dill, fennel, carrots, turnips and garlic
Spinach with celery
Chili with basil, garlic and chives
Tomatoes with parsley, basil, chives, garlic and marigolds
Broad bean with dill and savory
Onion with carrots, beetroot, tomatoes, chamomile, savory and parsley
Carrots with lettuce, shallots, peas, dill, chives and garlic

Combinations to avoid

Potatoes with tomatoes, rosemary, mint, thyme and chamomile
Strawberries with cabbage
Cauliflower after spinach
Beans with fennel, onion, shallots, garlic and gladioli
Peas with onion, garlic and shallots
Cabbage after radish and vice versa, onion, garlic and rue too
Lettuce with parsley
Tomato with fennel and kohlrabi
Onion and Garlic with Beans, Cabbage and Strawberries